Our training programs are certified by the Czech Ministry of Education. On the successful completion of the training program, trainees are awarded a certificate, which is recognized nationally. TEMPO co-operates with teams of professionals from IBM, TELENOR INTERNET, and INEQ, and provides courses in Microsoft Windows, Windows NT and Internet applications.
     TEMPO is all set to move into the fast growing field of software and systems consulting. It seeks to capitalize on the high quality human-capital resources, which Czech Republic has to offer. Czech Republic has one of the highest literacy rates in the world. Furthermore, it ranks high on the list of countries with technically skilled personnel. After the velvet revolution in 1989, there has been rapid modernization with a focus on the use of Information Technology. The pool of skilled computer programmers, software specialists and professionals in the Czech Republic is impressive, and is growing at a healthy rate.
     On the field of managerial training TEMPO co-operates with the University of Economics, Prague and the Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Ostrava, Psychological center Zabrsa, to provide Managerial and Entrepreneurial Training. We provide courses for entrepreneurs, which are tailor-made and based on the needs of our clients.
     Tempo collaborates with flexible and interesting personalities as a actors, psychologists and teachers. One of most famous people is a very known actor in Czech Republic who teaches course Communication and Rétorics, Jan Přeučil.

