The Hum@no Project
Aim of the Project

To analyse the complementary aptitudes and attitudes to the university education in the Humanities Degrees field, in order that this allow us to define the necessary training to accede with guarantees to the labour market, as well as to take advantage of the opportunities opened by the labour market related to their professional profiles.

Framework of the Project
Speaking about careers of difficult employability, we usually refer to those related to Humanities field and always opposite to technical careers or to engineering. The truth is that, taking into account the results of the different surveys to graduates of these branches, we can observe that it is true that these differences exist, both regarding the level of employment and the existing relation between the work that they carry out and the studies that they have completed. This affirmation seems to be confused when we continuously make reference to the fact that we live immersed in the age of the information and the communication. But, we should ask to ourselves: what information? or what should we communicate?. It seems evident that the work of Telecommunications engineers finishes when create the systems and means by which the above mentioned communication will be developed, and that somebody else must be the one in charge to fill these means with data and information services. This way, it seems reasonable that the degrees called “of difficult employability” should be prepared to play an important role in the demand of those services that nowadays are beginning to raise.
In this respect, something has to be modified in training structures or professional systems adaptation in order to these professional areas stop naming “of difficult employability”. Through Hum@no Project we intend to make an approach to labour market, analysing the parameters of its needs and the profiles of new and next creation.
(for more information go ahead to the Humanities qualifications report developed by the Employment Observatory of the University of Valladolid)